September 08, 2020 0 Comments
Elena Vladykina has spent the last 15 years establishing her place as a creative force in the home, gift and stationary industries. Her work has graced countless products due to how prolific she is and her unique talent.
Elena was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Russia. It was there she got her extensive art training in a multiple medium. Today she works mostly in gouache and watercolor. Elena has multiple styles. Some of her work evokes the meticulous detail of her roots while in recent years she has also developed a freer more expressive look.
Elena lived for many years in the cold of northern Siberia. Her work of this time was anything but cold. She developed pieces featuring the warm, bright, and beautiful; daring to depict the colorful rainforest flowers and fauna.
When she came to the U.S. in 1991 with her husband and son she settled in the San Francisco Bay Area and surrounded herself with tropical flowers, ethnic pottery, books, and music. When not hard at work in her studio, Elena travels extensively looking for further artistic inspiration.
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