Bohemian Blue Bouquet Shower Curtain


This floral-inspired shower curtain, “Bohemian Blue Bouquet,” features an elegant floral look. The design features various shades of large blue hydrangeas flowers, greenery, and a sweet dragonfly. On the bottom, there is a delicate blue floral vine pattern bordering the design. “Bohemian Blue Bouquet” shower curtain will add a whimsical garden look to your bathroom.

Artwork by Lisa Audit, Presented by Laural Home®

All of our products are digitally printed to create crisp, vibrant colors and images. Made to order in the USA on imported fabric. Please allow 5-7 days for items to ship.

  • Measures 71"W x 72"L
  • 12 button holes for hook placement
  • Hooks not included
  • Machine washable
  • Printed on 100% polyester
  • Digitally Printed

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